Monday, November 11, 2013

Alice 2.3

A Whole New World - Alice 2.3

Wow! Alice was very interesting and it required (at least for me) a lot of patience and time to get use to it; learning to navigate through all the tools. I did enjoy it because of the different gaming aspect of it and it literally was "A Whole New World." This would be awesome to put into classes to help kids with the concept of computational thinking and it would give them the confidence of figuring things out for themselves, which in my opinion is what most learning experiences lack these days (people just want the answers right then, they do not want to work for it.) I would recommend Alice to other educators.

By experiencing the different games in my group, I got to see how others used the game in various ways to teach a point. It was neat to see how they interpreted the game and used it to their personal imagination. The Ladder of Feedback for this activity was more difficult to do I thought because their is no limit to what someone can create with Alice. It was hard to judge someone's imagination. It is easier to give them suggestions. Overall, I liked the Alice experience and I have learned a lot by using this program.

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